viernes, 20 de febrero de 2009


This chapter of the game was released on 1998 by capcom. this story started 2 weeks after the 1st one. On this chapter the t virus evolved and infected the people of raccon city. Racoon city got in a nighmare.

on this new episode there are to cd`s, first is to play has leones kenedy, how is an R. P.D. (Racoon Police department) in which it was its firts day at force when the 3rd accident ocured (there are 7 differnt acidents, the third is the racoon city infection).

In the second cd you can play has Clare redfield how is the sister of Criss red field the protagonist of the first game.

all the events on this game are on a police station in which unverneath there was an Umbrella fasilitie. Claire and Leon past through lots of problems untill they found that william brikin has infected him self with the g virus ( a more powerlfull virus ). they had to kill him and destroi the laboratory.

viernes, 6 de febrero de 2009


Today I will not talk about games =(
Iwant to speak about the middle east war efects on latin america.
The Israely-Palestine war is not only affecting the middle east,
Here in latin america, antisemitism has spread and it is showing itself in america.
Here is a video of an insident in Caracas, Venezuela.
at the sinagoge of caracas a group of antisemist people prophaned it.
they write lots of antisemiots things loke that the jewish deserved the holocost.
they threw all their holly things, and write things on the tora. the jewish comunity is very ofended and they want to the president (chavez) to capture the people that made the atempt.
in the sinagog the antisemits tied up the guards. Once incide, the terrarist painted the walls and prophamed the torahs (holy books for the jewish people)
They where in there for 5 hours and knowone called the police, the goverment it self didn´t do any about it.
Chavez the former president of Venezuela:
Has broken dipolmatick relations with Israel, and has spealled the embasedor of israel,
Chavez also says :
That the israely opeartion is a crime.